Friday, January 11, 2013

Back in the US, for now...

Sorry for the delay in wrapping up the trip. The internet connection was down at the guest house most of Sunday and into Monday morning.

After the service Sunday morning we came back to the guest house for a while. It was nice to spend a little time relaxing. Pastor CJ's wife made us an amazing dinner before evening services. We had turkey and lots of other amazing foods! She is such an amazing cook! After dinner Pastor Sanousse showed up to take us to Black Mountain for service.  As we were leaving he said we were taking a tap tap. This was the first time on this trip that we rode in a tap tap, and we were so excited that Susie was getting to ride in one before we went home. What better ride in a tap tap than to Black Mountain! It was completely dark by the time we got there, and if you have been there before you understand that darkness makes it more interesting to negotiate the walk to the church :). The service was wonderful. I have attended a number of Haitian worship services since my first visit, but believe me when I tell you that even though the attendance that night was not enormous, the people that were in attendance were by far the most excited and full of the Spirit I have ever seen. They were singing so loudly, clapping, and dancing. I have never seen that much dancing in a worship service before. It was amazing!

While we were at Black Mountain we were able to look at the new roof that Pastor Sanousse has had put on the church. Our church had previously collected funds toward this project and it was great to see that the rotten wood has been replaced with a solid concrete roof, and now when it rains the church won't be flooded! Pastor Sanousse also shared what he plans to do next with the building. The current church building is small, and is one level. With the new roof, he plans to build a second level on top of the current one so they will have school in first floor and hold church services on the second floor. If you knew what it looked like in Black Mountain around his church, you would know that putting the second floor on will elevate the church up above it's surroundings and when they hold services, many more people in the area will hear the music and the service.

When we got back to the guest house after church, we had a great time. Pastor C.J.'s wife had made a chocolate cake for us! We sat around and talked for quite a while. We talked to Pastor C.J.'s wife about the women's ministry and she shared her thoughts and experiences on why the women's ministry is so important in Haiti. The next morning (Monday) we went back to Sherrie's. Susie sat down with Sherrie to go over more of the accounting work they had started earlier in the week, and Arnie went around fixing a few things that needed to be repaired. Me, well I got my Kervenson fix! He is such a sweetie!! I also got to meet two amazing kids that attend school at Christian Light (Sherrie's) through the Restavek Freedom Foundation. Unfortunately, the time came to head to the airport. It was hard to leave Haiti, as always. Overall, we had a great trip and remain in amazement at what God did during our time in Haiti. We look forward to what God has in store for us next. Time to start planning the next trip!

God bless,


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