Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A temporary goodbye

This is my last night in Haiti for a couple of weeks. It is always hard to leave, but I am always excited to get home to my family. Today was a good day, thanks to the help of some amazing people God has placed in my life here in Haiti!

I got to be part of morning worship and Bible study this morning with Ms. Sherrie, the other missionaries here, and the Haitian school teachers and staff. It was such a blessing to sing familiar Christian songs in both Creole and English, and Mr. Patrick is going to send me the lyrics we used which shows both versions of all of the songs! That will help me with my Creole!!!

I was able to get contact information for a place we might be able to get a puppy! It will be great to have a dog at the house for added security and companionship. Then Edmond took me shopping for things for the house. I was able to get some bottled Culligan water for our water cooler, 15 folding chairs, a large cooler, and 9 mattresses. So when I come back in a couple of weeks with a team we will at least have something to drink, something to sleep on, and something to sit in to get us started. It will be great having that team to help us get beds and tables, etc. I made arrangements and payment to have the final security bars installed on the house and they will be complete by October 15. I also got to visit with my new friend Esther for a little bit this afternoon. She is a sweet lady.

As I get ready for bed I am reflecting on how thankful I am that God has placed some amazing servants of God in my life, particularly many people that are serving here in Haiti. Following the Lord here isn't always easy and it is so very important that the body of Christ fulfill its role by working together to not only serve the Haitian people but to serve one another as well. My deepest spiritual growth has happened through serving here in Haiti, watching and working alongside other believers as they truly live out their faith. I pray for more of that in my life. I want to be surrounded by other Christians that challenge me to never be complacent in my faith, that show me what truly trusting God looks like, and that are real in their struggles to be obedient. I want to spend more time with people who pray in anguish over things that have burdened them, but at the same time pray with an expectancy that God will move. I no longer want to hear Christians pray a blessing during meals where they ask God to provide for those less fortunate while they themselves do nothing to bless the less fortunate. Christ is working here on earth but He is doing it through us! We, as the body of Christ, are His hands and feet in this world. The more you get to know God's heart and see Him work in amazing ways the more you don't want to be any other place than walking in His will.

Until next time...

Goodnight from Haiti,

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